CTN emphasized on addressing marine debris challenge through circular economy on GCTF event
Circular Taiwan Network(CTN), the leading organization champions circular economy in Taiwan, was invited to give a keynote speech at the...
[Register Now!] Asia Pacific Circular Economy Roundtable Online Series : Circular Economy for a Resi
To change or not to change? That is the question. The coronavirus pandemic absolutely disrupts how we used to produce and consume. Yet,...
Highlights of November: Taiwan Circular Economy Network’s exchange with Pacific Island countries, Ja
Pacific Islands Leadership Program with Taiwan Taiwan Circular Economy Network is committed to connecting the international community and...
Circular Economy Hotspot Belgium 2019
After the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Scotland, Belgium will be hosting the 2019 Hotspot on 18-20 Nov. The program will offer a unique...
Asia-Pacific Circular Economy Roundtable early bird ticket sales officially started!
Hosted by the Taiwan Circular Economy Network and supported by the Environmental Protection Administration and the Ministry of Economic...
Get Ready for World Circular Economy Forum 2019!
Finland will host the WCEF2019 on 3-5 June. This year will bring together around 2,000 key circular economy thinkers and doers from...
循環經濟是什麼? 台灣社會目前對於循環經濟的兩個認知上的重大迷失。第一,循環經濟不只是一個「環保」議題。人們為了因應這種工業革命以來的長期社會環境破壞,想出了許多的保護措施與補救辦法,然而這樣的作為其實是被動的。循環經濟採用一種積極、主動(Creaventive)...
循環台灣基金會舉辦循環診斷工作坊,並邀請荷蘭Metabolic顧問公司、財團法人中鼎教育基金會協辦,邀請Metabolic創辦人暨執行長Ms. Eva Gladek與政府、產業、公民團體、媒體等各界代表分享循環診斷,剖析診斷的重點與阻礙,為聽眾展示如何一步步完成一個產業、城...
循環經濟是什麼?循環經濟在台灣、歐洲、全世界的發展趨勢為何?想了解嗎?歡迎加入我們暑期實習行列! 工作內容 協助收集循環經濟資料,了解最新趨勢 參與荷蘭學生之循環經濟暑期研究計畫 廣泛接觸各類產業,了解國內外與循環經濟相關之訊息及案例 協助在台灣推廣循環經濟 能力培養...